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Mini Soccer

Mini Soccer is broken up into 3 different groups: Mighty Knights for 3-4 year-olds, Mini Knights for 5-6 year-olds and Junior Soccer for 7-8 year-olds. In 2024, Mighty is for those born in 2020-2021, Mini for those born between 2018-2019 and Junior for those born in 2016-2017.

The success of this program is dependent on the people/parents that volunteer to be coaches and assistant coaches. The CC does ask that all coaches attend a clinic to make the experience positive for both the coach and participant.  NGCC will reimburse you for the cost of the clinic, once you submit your receipt.  For Mighty and Mini levels, the Active start level is required, and for the Junior levels, the FUNdamentals level is required.  

Registration for these 3 programs will be online only,  Links to register will be active late February/early March and will be on our Registration page, along with other important registration information.

If you would like to make a request for your child to play with a friend, please do so when you register.  We will do our best to accommodate special requests but please limit the requests to 1 per child.  Children who are registered late will be placed on teams with available space and where needed to keep teams balanced in numbers.

Convenors for the different ages of Mini Soccer are as follows.  

Colleen (moc.l1726000634iamto1726000634h@2051726000634kcc1726000634) – Mighty Soccer – 3/4 year olds 
Madison (moc.l1726000634iamg@1726000634700zc1726000634iweik1726000634neiz1726000634) – Mini Soccer – 5/6 years old 
Dalyce (moc.l1726000634iamg@1726000634sawzu1726000634oyecy1726000634lad1726000634) – Junior Soccer – 7/8 year olds 

NGCC’s Board of Directors supports positive experiences for children, their parents and adults in sport. 

Little kids playing soccer

Mighty Knights

Mighty Knights – For Children that are 3 and 4 years old in the current year.  In 2024 it is for those born in 2020-2021.  These children play on Tuesday evenings – Season – May and June – 8 weeks. Location: NGCC Field – 26 Molgat Ave.  Start time is 6:15 and will run for 1 hour in duration.  It’s all about FUN, fresh air and fitness! The evening will start with warm-up, some soccer related fun and games, and end with a short scrimmage.  Rainout days will not be rescheduled due to time and field restrictions.

If you would like to make a request for your child to play with a friend, please do at registration.  We will do our best to accommodate special requests but please limit the requests to 1 per child.  Children who are registered late will be placed on teams with available space and where needed to keep teams balanced in numbers.

Norberry-Glenlee Mighty Knights will be given a soccer t-shirt to keep. It is a good idea for players to wear shin pads. Players must wear running shoes or soccer cleats.

Mini Soccer

Mini Knights – For Children that are 5 and 6 years old in the current year. For 2024 it is for those born between 2018-2019.  These children play on Monday AND Wednesday evenings – Season – May and June.  Fields: NGCC  – 26 Molgat Ave. 

It’s all about FUN, fresh air and fitness! 20 minute warm-up and skills start at 6:15 then go into the scheduled games. The games are divided into two (2) periods of 20 minutes each with a 10 minute half-time break. The game is broken down into 3-minute shifts to give each player equal playing time. All games are played against other NGCC teams. There are no scores kept and the coaches are the referees. There are no practices.  Rainout days will not be rescheduled due to time and field restrictions.

If you would like to make a request for your child to play with a friend, please do at registration.  We will do our best to accommodate special requests but please limit the requests to 1 per child.  Children who are registered late will be placed on teams with available space and where needed to keep teams balanced in numbers.

Norberry-Glenlee Mini Knights will be given a soccer t-shirt to keep. Players must wear shin pads and running shoes or soccer cleats.

Junior Soccer

Junior Knights – For Children that are 7 and 8 years old in the current year. For 2024 it is for those born between 2016-2017.

This will take place on Monday’s and Wednesday’s in May and June.

Home Fields: Victor Wyatt School – 485 Meadowood Drive.
Away Fields: Beautiful Saviour School – 52 Birchdale Avenue, Nordale School – 99 Birchdale Avenue and Windsor School – 80 Cunnington Avenue.

It’s all about FUN, fresh air and fitness!  The league includes teams from Champlain, NGCC, Norwood, Notre Dame and Windsor Community Centres.  All games start at 6:15. The game is divided into two (2) periods of 25 minutes each with a 10 minute half-time break.  There are no scores kept.  Each player gets equal playing time. The league dedicates a few game evenings for practices, skills and drills.

If you would like to make a request for your child to play with a friend, please do at registration.  We will do our best to accommodate special requests but please limit the requests to 1 per child.  Children who are registered late will be placed on teams with available space and where needed to keep teams balanced in numbers.

Norberry-Glenlee Junior Knights will be given a soccer jersey to borrow for the season. Players must wear shin pads and running shoes or soccer cleats and encourages players to wear black socks and shorts.  Rainout days will not be rescheduled due to time and field restrictions.