Norberry-Glenlee Boundaries
Our boundary starts at Fermor Avenue and St. Anne’s Road and follows the Seine River up to Nova Vista. Heading west, the north side of Nova Vista (odd #’s 349 and higher) to Dakota Street. Heading north down Dakota Street, the east side of the street down to Bishop Grandin Blvd.(odd #’s from 1001-1047). West down Bishop Grandin Blvd. to River Road, heading north on River Road following the Red River to Bronstone. From St. Mary’s Road and Hull Avenue, east down Hull Avenue all the way back to St. Anne’s Road.

Payment Methods
For Online Registration, payments can be made by Interac or Credit Cards – some sports can be paid by e-transfer. If needed, cheques may be post-dated up to one month after registration – please contact the office to make arrangements. NSF charges will apply to cheques returned for any reason. If you know that there will be a problem with your cheque, please call the office at 204-256-6654 to make alternate arrangements before the deposit date.
Subsidy Information
Through GCWCC, partial registration subsidies are available for families who would not be able to enroll their children in sports without help. The subsidy amount is dependent on your net income from the previous tax year, and a “Notice of Assessment” from Revenue Canada must be provided within 15 days of applying for the subsidy to qualify. This subsidy covers a percentage of the registration fee ONLY. Participation fees, your percentage of the sports fees and any additional costs associated with the team are the parent’s responsibility. Payment arrangements for the Booster card and your percentage of the fees can be made with the office.